The system also tracks how items are acquired and how they are consumed or deleted. If the total count of an item is negative, it means there are more consumed items than items acquired in a normal way (purchasing from NPC, Cash Shop, loot from monster etc.) so there is a duplication issue somewhere. This allows us to generate graphics showing for a specific item/kind of item/penya the evolution of the in-game economy per hour for instance. Even Penya and low-value items are tracked.

Added a new system tracking in real time, for every item, the total number of items present in players’ inventories, bank, guild bank or mails. GMs will use a separate client to access the game. The public client is now built without any GM functionality inside the program. Added a new mode for GMs to hide the special modes/status and change name (tools can’t detect that it’s a GM). If one of the previous issues is found the system will now disconnect the player and prevent it from connecting until a developer checks what happened. Added additional checks for memory modification on the client side. Implemented various additional checks relative to items IDs uniqueness, skill levels, base stats and level.

If a stat doesn’t match the previous value then the bug or stats stacking hack is reported. Player stats are now frequently recomputed by the server. Fixed items disappearing or duplicating when a server crash happens (mail, trade, Cash Shop, etc.)